

Fun for everyone!


Try Kiddie Party!

Free learning games and videos with our new app anytime, anywhere.

Our Party app offers just about everything. It encourages your child to engage in skills related to science, math, creativity and more in gameplay alongside their favorite characters! A great application for children between 2 and 3 years, packed with videos, songs, books, games and learning activities, updated weekly! Our Emmy Award-winning Kiddie brand also features content such as many learning resources.


Heloise Berthellier


"We're never better than when we're challenged. Children go through things in life and they don't realize the imprint they have and how much they can move us forward."

Toulouse Franceppo


"The kids in our lives spend so much time doing that they have forgotten how important being, or non-doing, is for the brain."

About Our Games

Play with shadows, control the weather, roll and slide objects down a ramp, choose the best materials for an umbrella - all while building science inquiry skills and learning core science concepts. The games in the app encourage kids to see the science in their world. 

They are intentionally designed to serve as catalysts for real-world exploration by modeling real-world locations and experiences. The related hands-on activities and parent notes prompt families to try it at home and provide tips for engaging in conversations.

About Our Apps


  • 15 engaging games covering core topics in Earth Science, Physical         Science, and Life Science
  • Parent section with tips for parent-child engagement and activities         for extending the learning into the real world
  • Drawing tool and stickers from all the games
  • Developed in collaboration with early childhood experts
  • Completely bilingual (English/Spanish)                                                                                                                                                                                      *The Play and Learn app is part of Kiddie's ongoing commitment to helping kids build the skills they need to succeed in school and in life. Kiddie, the number one educational brand for kids, offers all children the opportunity to explore new ideas and new worlds through television and digital media, as well as community-based programs. For more, visit our About page.
  • ©2024 Kiddie Holdings. All rights reserved.
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