
Daily Schedule

We have launched our first-ever national 24/7 preschool channel and we hope your kids enjoy it!

6:00 AM - Junior on the Job


6:30 AM - Pinky Dinky Doo


7:00 AM - Ollie and Friends


7:30 AM - Woolly and Tig


8:00 AM - Sunny Bunnies


8:30 AM - Love, Diana: The Princess of Play


9:00 AM - Butterbean's Cafe


9:30 AM - Shimmer and Shine


10:00 AM - Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot


10:30 AM - Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures


11:00 AM - Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends


11:30 AM - Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty


12:00 PM - Junior on the Job


12:30 PM - Everything's Rosie


1:00 PM - Sammy's Story Shop


1:30 PM - Monster Math Squad


2:00 PM - Noddy in Toyland


2:30 PM - Elinor Wonders Why


3:00 PM - Sunny Bunnies


3:30 PM - Cleo and Cuquin


4:00 PM - Pinkfong Wonderstar


4:30 PM - Luna Petunia


5:00 PM - Geronimo Stilton


5:30 PM - The Peabody and Sherman Show


6:00 PM - Ollie and Friends


6:30 PM - Love, Diana: The Princess of Play


7:00 PM - Sunny Bunnies


7:30 PM - Junior on the Job


8:00 PM - Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps


8:30 PM - Preschool Popstars


9:00 PM - Butterbean's Cafe


9:30 PM - Shimmer and Shine


10:00 PM - Tickety Toc


10:30 PM - The Good Night Show


11:00 PM - Junior on the Job


11:30 PM - Geronimo Stilton


12:00 AM - Pinkfong Wonderstar


12:30 AM - Bitz and Bob


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